Friday, June 27, 2008

Quirks pointed out to me by my lovely wife... and after you read this you'll know why

K, haven't posted in forever. Under the extreme peer pressure from Suz, I had to relent many many days later and post again. Oh yeah, and everyone's been writing these really awesome blogs about quirks. All of them that I have read have been really entertaining so I decided to add to the pile... assuming anyone reads my blog again. So here goes:
1. First and foremost I would say this is one of my biggest quirks- I am so good at lying to myself. I would say 95% of my ego is made up of lies I tell to myself. For example, lets say my hair looks like crap or something and I go out in public. The minute I can't see myself in the mirror I'm like "Hey, I'm looking as equally awesome as everyone else who takes care of themself!" Yeah, its a pretty sweet deal. Like before I lost weight, I don't think I ever looked at myself and thought "wow, what a fat pig", I just reverted to my mental self image which looks something like this:

Hot aren't I? I dare say hot enough to catch a Spice Girl. The ironic thing is that I don't truly believe I'm that good looking. In fact I have had a lot of people tell me that I look like Steve Buscemi. Subtle difference.

2. Here's where we start getting into stuff that Nat had to point out to me. I am a very compartmentalist eater. What is that? Its someone who hates to have food touch other food on the same plate. Thinking about it, that is kind of weird. It works for me though. It helps in my food purist streak.

3. I put my socks on first thing every morning and rarely if ever go outside barefoot. I hate being barefoot and I hate having cold feet. I think thats where that stems from. I pretty much wear shoes from the time I get up to the time I go to bed. On weekends where I try as hard as I can to not leave the house, I'll wear socks the whole time. Ironically I hate wearing slippers.

4. I have a chronic daydreaming problem. Yep, I'm pretty much in La-La-Land like at least half the time. Which it is only possible to function as an adult because of Quirk 5. I think about all kinds of things just whatever comes to mind. I think that is where all my stories come from. I also think about shows me and Nat watch and playing WoW and what not. Needless to say I am very self entertaining with this.

5. I am quite possibly the worlds best eavesdropper. I can listen in on what people are saying while talking on the phone. I can be in a room blaring with noise and tons of people talking and zero in on any particular conversation. I actually use this skill at work all the time to gather information on activities and stuff. I'm like the gossip ninja. It really works out for me, cuz I'll be daydreaming and someone will say something to me and 9 times out of 10 I'll here them passively through eavesdropping and respond accordingly, snapping back to reality for but a brief moment.

6. I'm like the Overlord of Fact Checkers. I think it gets on peoples nerves, but dont ever throw out some random statistic in my presence. I'll be running to the computer to make sure that what you say is totally true. I realize that this makes me look like I'm trying to be a know-it-all and maybe I am, but I try to diplomatically say someone is wrong. Sometimes they arent wrong too, and then I usually say something like "You're smart, I'm stupid. You're hot, I'm ugly. People like you and they wish I was dead" or something like that. I think this one stems from my profession. Industrial Hygiene is a very broad field that covers a lot of very very different things (like laser, heat stress, ionizing radiation, volatile organic compounds, the list goes on and on) and such we IH's pick up a lot of what I like to call 'fun fact knowledge'. This is where the fact checking comes in. I think I have a predisposition to wanting to learn about all kinds of stuff, so when people tell me things I want to know if it is true. Also, when people say stupid things that I know arent true, I go and get the proof and rub it in their face. Not so diplomatically I guess.

So yeah, there you go. Yuck it up, I've definitely had a good laugh at everyone elses. By the way, Karlenn, how can you be a connoisseur of tornadoes? The definition of connoisseur is 'a person who is especially competent to pass critical judgments in an art, particularly one of the fine arts, or in matters of taste'. I think you mean expert by means of fear. LOL, sorry Kar, just being jerky old me again and fact checking your usage of the word.

Hmmm, a true connoisseur would know the difference between these.... j/k Kar.

Oh yeah, the reason I titled the post like that all goes back to Quirk #1. I know I'm a weirdo, but I'm so good at lying to myself I couldnt possibly think of these things without outside help. Probably oughta work on that. Good thing I have Nat! :)


Kar said...

You're the devil. :) You're right, I did use "conneisseur" wrong. And you were right about whatever the heck it was that you called me expressly to rub it in my face the other night... Oh yeah! It was whether Cold Case Files was in the top ten viewed shows during the regular TV season. So I mixed Cold Case Files up with Without a Trace! So sue me!! I don't mind any of your quirks. I've enjoyed reading about everyone's quirks so much - we are all so unique. It's kind of fun. And yes, you are a champion eavesdropper and gossip. :) You and Arin's hubby should have an eavesdropping competition.

Unknown said...

HAHAHA I'd like to SEE you prove Jer wrong on some things. Good luck...he'll argue the definition of "definition" with you over it!!! :D

Kar said...

By the way, both of those tornadoes are tube landspouts, as opposed to cone, block, or wedge landspouts. The first one is a front lit landspout, and it's just forming. The second one is only lit by lightning, and it's well-formed. Who's the tornado conneisseur, bee-otch?? :) Ha-ha-ha!!

Soozee Carmichael said...

Okay, so I totally see all those quirks that you have and it makes me laugh...a lot...ha ha ha.
I don't think you look like Steve Bucemi, but I also don't think you look like David Beckham either...I don't know who you look like, other than yourself..of course. Maybe you don't look like anyone famous because you are going to become famous by writing your books and having them published...have you noticed I do this a lot (...)? Crazy, I know...maybe thats another quirk of mine...

Nat said...

Yeah, you're DANG LUCKY to have me! Not only because I can point out your quirks, but because I'm me! YAY!!

Layton Mom said...

You crack me up! What is this about an eavesdropping contest with Jaren?