Saturday, October 25, 2008

Lazy mans tag

I am: 30. I'm really going for originality on this one.

I know: the difference between molarity and normality. (It's the second definition for molarity and the fifth for normality)

I want: I don't know, maybe a hundred billion dollars. Yeah that'd do it.

I have: the best kids ever! So suck it!

I dislike: hmm, it'd be a whole post just putting the list down. Lets go with underpants gnomes.

I miss: the college days. I'm with Nat on this one. The thing that made the college days so awesome was that we had adult-esque freedom without the burden of mortgages and other things like that. Plus college is sweet action, learning new things, meeting new people all that good stuff. It makes me wonder why they make so many TV shows about high school, when they ought to make them about college kids.

I feel: like the Idaho winter is entirely too long. I mean come on, 10 months? Whats up with that? Although it does make my job easier.

I hear: this new song that I saw on Saturday Night Live the other day. Watch this video. Its not my usual thing, so I was somewhat surprised when I found out I was really feeling it.

I smell: donuts. Its good times.

I crave: escapism. Not so much from being with Nat and the kids but from the rest of it. You work and associated crap.

I cry: infrequently. I think the last time I even came close was when Ivy was born. I get pretty emotional about the kids. Like the time that the doctor was putting stitches in Jakob's forehead, it was a good thing I didnt have a baseball bat :). Needless to say I was a bit emotional. Last weekend Brock was feeling kind of crappy and they set some fireworks off at Bonneville High and it scared him. I got a bit emotional over his fearful pleas. I kept it on the down low though. Nat likes to tease me about it.

I search: constantly for new shows to watch. I pretty much ask people what they watch, read about it on wikipedia to see if I'll like it and then download a couple episodes. Thats how we got hooked on House, Grey's and many others.

I wonder: when the world is going to end as we know it? Oh yeah, the election is in a couple weeks and we're screwed either way.

I regret: nothing I will reveal here. On a related note I pretty much try to live life without finding things to regret. That is pretty much what drove me to chase after Nat for so long. I have kids though, and there is ample to regret when trying to be a good parent.

I love: wrestling with the boys. People I work with say it is a good way to wear the kids out before bed. But I know that is impossible. Could I possibly ever have more energy than Jakob? I mean come on the kid uses a complex process of fission and fusion to power his entire body of two bites of a hot dog. That reminded me of the day I went over to the schools track and ran a mile. I was huffing and puffing the whole time and ready to kill myself. Jakob ran it with me, chattering the whole time. Yeah not only did he do it, he did it while talking. I don't even know if he got winded. Oh yeah and on an unrelated note, I love Nat too.

I care:? I care? I CARE! Name that movie Kar. We used to do that on my mission a lot, but with pretty heavy sarcasm. It was usually a tactic we used when someone was getting overly optimistic about something. That kind of thing happens a lot on the mission. I think some people forget that God doesn't force people to the Gospel. Now you can leave me comments on my blasphemy I guess, but I'm sticking with my original point.

I worry: occasionally. I'm the type of person to go out and try and hedge my bets on things. About the only thing you cant plan for is things like natural disasters and what not. You can do some things but you never know. I guess I worry about America ceasing to exist as it does now and things getting all post apocalyptic and stuff, like Will Smith in I am Legend. Whenever I see those movies the first thing I always think of is “How much food does he have? Is he growing more? Where is he getting clean potable water from?” Stuff like that. For some reason characters in movies always still have utilities. This has always struck me as weird because those would be like some of the first things to go. Oh yeah I also worry that my kids wont grow up to accept the Gospel. Or that they'll become jobless hippies mooching off the government when they are adults. Yeah stuff like that gets me thinking.

I remember: why people do these tags. Man so much easier than coming up with stuff especially when you realize that real life is pretty much boring. Some people don't need it though, Nat for example could probably pull a totally entertaining post out of thin air about the time she got a dryer sheet stuck to her pant leg. No offense to frequent taggers of course, its a nice break.

I dance: when the boys and I are listening to music and the overwhelming urge to bust out the robot overtakes me.

I don't: say whats on my mind as much as people think I do. I think if that were the case people would upgrade me from insensitive jerk to @$$hole.

I argue: with a lot of people a lot of the time. It's kind of my job as a member of the safety staff. Most people don't look at us as the good guys, but how is it in my best interests to let people get hurt at work?

I write: because I am compelled to do so. The stories come into my brain and I have to expel them. That sounded a lot like a possession in need of an exorcism.... (This was also a shameless plug)

I win: here and there. My dad however wins all the time. Dont ever enter a drawing with him, he's bound to win something. I think he's the luckiest man alive when it comes to that. Good thing he's LDS or he'd be cleaning out the lotteries.

I lose: my mind when working with inanimate objects. Like when I was putting the blinds up upstairs (or attempting to) when we first moved in. Yeah two hours of being angry and not even getting one up before I called my bro Mike who came over and installed the rest of them in like a half hour or something. I'm not handy. Not even in the least. Ask me how your body uses Oxygen as the terminal electron acceptor and we can really get into it hot and heavy. Ask me to change a tire and be prepared to hear profanity.

I wish: I had Supermans' powers. I mean who doesn't? I'd quit my job and start a delivery service guaranteeing really fast delivery. I mean like so fast I can turn the world backwards fast. The strength, invulnerability, super hearing, heat vision and freezing breath would also be sweet.

I listen: to this and that. I kind of miss the good old days of grunge in the 90's though. 80's music was pretty good too. There are still things here and there that pop up that I end up liking. According to my current iTunes my top five played songs are: No One's Gonna Love You by Band of Horses, Cold Shouder by ADELE, Time Won't Let Me Go by The Bravery, Realize by Colbie Caillat, and Look After You by The Fray.

I can usually be found: in the respirator trailer at work. Or the RMU.

I am scared: of cancer, high places, open spaces like the open sea or outer space, enclosed places, losing my job, having Nat divorce me or one of my children dying. You know the usual.

I need: more time to sleep. Why can't I have like twelve hours to do whatever I want on top of the usual thirteen hours a day I spend going to work, working and coming home from work. Oh yeah and throw eight hours of sleep on there, so that gives us a 33 hour day. Sweet action.

I forget: here and there. I have a pretty good memory and rarely forget things. Sometimes I play dumb though when people ask me to do things I dont want to and claim to have forgotten it. Yeah thats a lie. Good old passive aggressive tactics :).

I am happy: on like a Friday night when I am either playing WoW really later or watching shows with Nat and all the cares of the world slip away cuz I still have two days until I have to work again. I think thats what I miss most about college. There wasn't a whole lot to get all worked up about except finals.I tag: nobody. Everyone I know who blogs has already done this one!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Evil Master Plan!!!

Two guesses what Nats doing? Thats right, she's playing WoW. Okay, I'll be honest, I promised to clean the toilets if she tried WoW out. Notice Troy being important on her lap lol. So yeah I've got a date with these bad boys now.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Interesting Blog and Unrequited Love

Honestly, I dont know what to think about this blog.... Just about everyone I know has read it and me and my wife have been discussing it amongst ourselves. I have to admit, I almost dont believe that its real. I'm not saying it couldnt happen or isnt happening, I just think it could be cleverly engineered. I have to admit, I was hooked in like two sentences. Unrequited love holds a special place in my heart considering thats how I happened to end up with this fine woman:

Yeah I know, she's hot. And I'm skinny in that pic lol. See that look on my face? Thats the look of me winning.
A brief history: I moved to Logan in 2000. Nat was one of the first people I ever saw in the city and I remember her most of all for being the ward "flocker" and her eyes. So my roomies were in love with her and thats how I got to know her. For me, it was almost cliche to like Natalie H., in fact my bro who lived in Logan called her the Notorious N.A.T. because of her reputation as a flocker. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, was in love with her. I can no doubt produce at least 20 credible witnesses to this fact. Most of them still read Nats blog.
Anyway, God Himself pretty much had to tell me that I liked her. I really, really didnt want to like Natalie H. So one day while praying she suddenly sprang to mind and God was like "YOU DO LIKE HER, SO GET USED TO IT!!!". You know, how God does that still small voice thing that shakes the earth when He's talking thing. Yeah, it's happened a few times in my life two of which were in conjunction with that hot hot woman who's picture you can still see above. So the crush began. You may have noticed, Nat is much better looking than me. This is kind of, and continues to be, intimidating to me. I've even started a club called the "Hot wife, ugly husband club". Yeah it's thriving. So I spent the better part of the next year hiding my crush. I did make the mistake however of telling one of my good friends that I liked Nat. In fact I used this friend much in the same way that the girl in the afformentioned blog uses her blog. She was pretty much the person I used to obsess over Nat. This friend told everyone though. So yeah, it was good times having all of our mutual friends know that I liked Nat. It was a cliche to like Nat remember? Everyone liked her. EVERYONE.
So Nat moved next door to me and we hung out a lot. This is how I can relate to the bloggers feeling of torture. It was torture living next to Nat. It'd be like a heroine pig shacked up in the same room as the worlds largest stash of junk and being chained to the bed. The May of 2000 was the best time of my life in ways. The couple of months that followed were the exact opposite. Long and torturous. And then Nat's missionary came home. Yeah somehow in my mind I was still hanging on to the crush knowing she had a missionary. Good thing I am an R.M. and I know how those kinds of relationships went, haha. So she went and hung out with her boyfriend for a bit and then came back to USU.
K, this has dragged on for a long time, so here's an awesome Conchords video to listen to while you take a potty break or get a drink or something. Or go check out some other blog, cuz it's gotten old.....

I remember seeing her that first time after she came back. My brain had built it up quite a bit. So naturally she hardly acknowledged my existence lol. For those who may not know, I tend to being a little obsessive when thinking about things. Thats how I can write story notes in one fell swoop. So yeah, Nat came back. And she was a changed woman. And I hated it. So I buried the crush and disappeared. We didnt hang out. I didnt see her for the whole fall semester of 2000. I even chased after another girl, but once someone is placed on the pedestal, she isnt easily removed. Anyway, things went their course with her boyfriend and they broke up cuz he's a player. All that time I still ran into mutual friends who for some reason always kept me updated on Nat's current status. It was good times.

Anyway, I heard that she had broken up with the missionary and my heart caught a glimmer of hope. We had always been good friends before. So yeah, I reappeared one day out of the blue. Her roomies questioned my motives. I didnt care. This was in November. About a month later an impossible set of circumstances occurs which I will not mention here, but the outcome is the impossible. I'm of the opinion that God will not tell you who you are going to marry. I've actually had girls tell me that God told them that we were going to get married. I always pretty much laughed in their faces. So in this instance God told me that me and Nat were going to get married. I was serious stunned and losing sleep over it. I didnt believe and laughed about it. It wasnt going to happen. It was about this time that God put the plan into effect.

I went back to Logan armed with this knowledge that I didnt believe. Nat was there working for a CPA doing tax stuff. I went home early and we were the only people in Logan at the time so we naturally spent a lot of time together. I wasnt sleeping well, this excited energy woke me up every night. It was awful. And then I would sit and stew about Nat. All night. One night I was praying and God told me I had to tell Nat how I felt about her. I wasnt going to do it. Ever. The next day I was with Nat and the perfect opportunity to make a confession appeared. I think she even asked me point blank if I was interested in someone. I sat there shocked with what I'm sure was a stupid look on my face. Well stupider than normal. I chickened out. This happened again the next day. I chickened out. The next day she was going to her sisters wedding and I knew I only had one more chance to do it. I didnt. So I did the most shameful thing ever and sent her an email confession. Yeah, really manly of me I know. I wish I still had it.

Needless to say it was the talk amongst our mutual friends for a bit until Nat came back. Nat had even called one of our friends to ask if I was lying or not. Holy cow this is turning into a wall of text.

So yeah, Nat came back. We DTR-ed and she shot me down. I walked home that night relieved, like it was all over. But God told me then and there that it had only begun. Needless to say, that was like the first domino in the chain reaction that led to June 21, 2002 when me and Nat got married. There are a lot more details I left out, but I'm sure you've already gotten bored, all two of you (one of whom is Nat) and moved on to someones elses blog.

I guess the bottom line and my point of writing this is that I married someone who I had unrequited love for for years. Yes I'm serious, it took me years to catch Nat. So if I was Cordy, I'd already confess. Seriously. Knowing what I know now, I'd do it in a heartbeat. I don't think she should move on until she knows. For real. You'll never know if good old clueless Seth could/would/should ever like you until you lay your cards out on the table. I know it sucks. Writing that email was still one of the most cowardly and difficult things I've ever done. Ever. But at the end of the day, Nat is mine. Forever. And all that effort and all the pain and suffering were worth it. And I walked through fire to get her. I sometimes feel sorry for other guys cuz they dont have as awesome a wife as I do. That'd be a whole blog in itself.

P.S. Did I mention the hotness? Look at her, she is a total babe. And yeah that wasnt really a brief history was it?