Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My crumbling self esteem

So Kar nominated me for the ridiculously prestigious 'I love your blog' award! And here I had struggled with feelings of self worth until I read Nat's blog about it, and then read Kar's blog about it. K, I was going to say I was bored and somehow stumbled my way into Kar writing about this, but I wasnt really. Nat told me about it. And I'm sure that I've hurt someones feelings about saying that, well the whole feelings of self worth thing. No, I take that back, no one who reads this blog wont know that I'm being sarcastic.

So yeah, I've actually been thinking a wee bit on the topic of blogs over the past few days. I've noticed a couple of trends in blogging. People tend to blog about their hobbies, like Suz and Marci. Other people blog about day to day things, which I must admit has to be an indomitable task. If I were to blog about my day you would all be exposed to a realm of government beuracracy the likes of which you only thought existed in the DMV. So I've decided to blog today about both things.

My hobbies:
WoW So Nat put me on the schedule. Yeah, the wife ag had runneth over for the last time. So yeah, things have been going good in ye olde Azeroth. I stood there and got my butt whooped with my tank and killed many an innocent woodland creature with both my mage and warlock. Good times were had by all. 11/13/08 cometh people. I've already got the day off!

Writing. Honestly and truly I havent written much since last december. My brain had shut down for awhile and I wasnt really coming up with much. Alas, I cant leave a short story unfinished and I've got two I'm finishing up right now. So if any of you dear readers out there find you cant sleep and need something to put you down like a dog, let me know. I can send something over that can guarantee to make you fall asleep. Or wish you were dead. Or wish I was dead. Yeah that is a foreseeable outcome. On a somewhat completely unrelated side note, I succumbed to peer pressure and read the Twilight books. Yeah I had to read them all before I could decided that I hated them. Well, they arent Shakespeare or anything, but they were entertaining. Well except Jacob Black. Man I sooooooo * 10^12 wish that Edward would have taken him out and beaten the living crap out of his annoying 17 year old wolf butt. Man that kid got annoying. All of the faux confidence got so irritating. I guess it isnt faux confidence if the person believes it.... I dont know. Post me your thoughts. So yeah the series didnt do it for me really until I read Midnight Sun, her as of yet unfinished book that is basically Twilight from Edwards perspective. Needless to say, I loved that story. I think it was my inner cheeseball (you know the part of me that writes all those pointless romcom stories) that really really liked it. I dare say I liked it as much as I hate Jacob Black. Anyways.......

Watching shows with Nat (one of lifes finer pleasures might I add).
It is a joyous time of year. Network TV started again this week, so all the good stuff is coming back. I must admit, some of summer TV isnt half bad. There are two shows that immediately spring to mind for me. They are this and this. The first one is kind of weird and stupid, but its supposed to be goofy like it is. It got crappy ratings though so I'm kinda hoping that it makes it. The second one is pretty awesome, probably the best summer show I've ever seen. I guess the main chick in it was on Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken. Not a movie I've ever seen. She's got weird lips though, I guess they injected them with collagen or something. I dont know, they just look weird to me. See now arent you dying to click those links? I mean they're right there begging and pleading for you to waste two seconds of your life looking at. Go ahead, I know you want to.
So me and Nat get a big kick out of watching shows together. And we watch a goodly number of them as I detailed in an ancient post, A LONG TIME AGO. But it is still some pretty sweet action. I would suggest Mythbusters, House, How I Met Your Mother, Supernatural and of course my favorite guilty pleasure of all (which there are many we watch) Gossip Girl. Yeah I said it. I like Gossip Girl. This shouldnt come as a surprise to anyone who's ever ran into the cheesy side of my personality. Oh wait, has anyone met that side of me?
If I had to suggest the awesomest new show this season, I'm throwing out Fringe for your consideration. Kinda sci-fi-nerdy. But its some sweet action.
Anyways, Kar, this blog is for you. Get to writing those notes. I wanna see something soon. You heard it everyone, Kar is starting to write something. Feel free to bug her to DEATH about it until I get a rough draft. Actually I'd be pleased with some story notes. Either way, hop to it Kar. You're on notice.
Here's my compulsory YouTube link. Funniest. Video. Ever. P.S. You gotta listen to their dialogue after Jemaine sings the song. Laughed til i cried. For real.

So yeah. Nothing about my day to day. Maybe you'll have to get used to disappointment.

(Kinda weird, the comment thingy isnt showing up when I post it. So if you so desire to escape the bonds of blog stalking and leave me a comment, click on the blog title. And now you know, and knowing is half the battle.)


Soozee Carmichael said...

Okay, holy crap I love that Flight of the Conchords song....seriously hilarious. And I would have to agree with you about Midnight Sun...too bad she's not going to finish it. And, did you see Heroes this week? HOLY CRAP!!! It was freakin' awesome. And, I've been writing some more and I need to e-mail it to you...I'm going for less twilight-y. I don't know though, I'll send it to you and we'll see...

Pete said...

Yeah FotC have lots of sweet songs. She is finishing Midnight Sun, FYI. And I kinda thought Heroes was meh this week. I'm gonna give it some time though. Seaons One was good, I'll give it some time. Send me stuff when you're done with it. You know so I can write awesome comments about it in your drafts lol. I'm almost done with my latest masterpiece (and by piece, I mean piece of crap). I'll send it on over when I'm done for your sleeping enjoyment.

Nat said...

I like it when you write, I don't like it when you play WoW. But you already knew that. I think that instead of spending that day off with your blessed game that you spend the time with your blessed wife and kids. :)

Kar said...

Shut UP - she is finishing Midnight Sun???? When did she decide this? I'm going over to her website RIGHT THIS MINUTE!! I'm glad you liked Midnight Sun. I adored, adored, adored it. I really hope what you say is true... And dude, I'll get on the notes. Maybe I should do that while I work, instead of writing millions of blog posts that no one ever reads. And thanks a lot for "outing" me as an aspiring writer! Grrr. I'm blushing. Blushing like Bella. BLB.

Kar said...

Kay, wait a minute. You're taking a day off of work to play WoW? Wow. That's... interesting. :)