Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Crushing Peer Pressure

K, so under the weight of the two comments I’ve gotten from Nat and Suz to gay it up and pick a “hottest” guy, I just can’t take the pressure any more.  A few words on my pick though, I dont necessarily think this guy is hot.  I like his character who so happens to be a real womanizer, but for the show he’s on, I consider him to be one of the only realistic characters.  Him and Dr. Bailey.  And thus I give you McSteamy in all his glory (his real name is Eric Dane fyi).


Just as a side note, guys really arent like girls in this aspect.  I know lots of girls who can tell you what girls they think are cute and all that.  Most if not all the guys I know don’t do this with other men.  It’s just how it goes.  Now eviscerate.


Mike said...

I'd rather "Tap" Shrek dude, sorry.

Logan said...

Wow - very manly of you to go so deep and choose a hotty dude.
I totally agree with everything you say. I think its easier to find beauty in women than it is in guys - especially from the perspective of a guy.
So, finding a "hot" guy is one thing. But picking out the ugly guy is something completely different. So, in the future, maybe you should just start going down the list and find the guy that is the least ugly... You know, in case you do this tag again...

Nat said...

McSteamy is a hottie. And I don't think less of your manhood because of your pick. Or something like that.

Soozee Carmichael said...

Good job dude...He is pretty hot. I've never heard of him before...

Kar said...

I suppose I should jump on the bandwagon and watch Grey's Anatomy... I have a hard time trying out shows that are really popular. I don't know why. Dude, Ben has a total man crush on Brad Pitt. Just ask him. He will tell you any time that he would "do" Brad Pitt. Ew.