Sunday, December 7, 2008

K, everyone is wondering, so here it is....

35% Geek

Created by OnePlusYou - Free Dating Site

Yeah I'm dead serious.  I dont try to fix things with my awesome mind powers or anything.  I did however know that the ship on the show Firefly is the Serenity.  I 've never watched that show, but I have seen the movie.  The movie being called Serenity of course.  So put your curiosity to ease, this just shows that a computerized quiz is no real measure of a person geekiness.  If it couldn't detect me, how could it really accurately gauge anyone else????  Then again its not like I'm one of the guys on Big Bang or anything....

For some reason it doesnt want to embed.  Oh well.  And to dork it up once and for all, here is my latest project: 



This is my level 80 def capped Tankadin.  And this is her evil twin sister:


Her name of course means Zasht the Second.  She’s a level 62 Death Knight.  She pretty much farms for me.  And now that everyone has stopped reading…..:).  Yep I know, I’m a nerd.


Nat said...

I'm so very proud of my geeky hubby.

Layton Mom said...

YOu never cease to make me laugh. But not at ou of course, just with you!

Darling Details said...

We love big bang theory! Nothing wrong with a little geekiness! and the wow stuff just goes over my head. Sorry. ~Marci

Soozee Carmichael said...

So, I feel I must watch Big Bang Theory because it looks pretty hilarious. And, its true, I am much more geeky than the quiz said I was (I realize I have nothing compared to you ;) ) but yeah, how many 5 year olds could you take though? That's the one I really want to know...ha ha ha