Friday, January 16, 2009

The Bravery

I’m sure that most people dont know this, but Jakob and Brock dont really get scared by anything.  Well just about anything.  We were watching an episode of Medium one night and the killer was wearing an alien mask and Jake just about crapped his pants right there when he saw him.

Nowadays though (and I’m not sure where Jake learned this word) whenever Jake sees something that he thinks is sort of scary he always comes and tells me that he is “Being brave.”  Yeah I think its kinda weird.


Jakob showing his ultimate bravery.


Brock being “brave” for the camera.  Meaning I told him I’d give him candy if he posed.


Troy post bravery pose.


And Nat showing off the Right Harm of Power.

So we’re watching this video the other day:

At the very end they have the Zombies dancing and all that and I ask Jakob if he knows where that comes from, which of course he doesnt considering I was  his age when the video for Thriller came out.  So I decided to show it to him.  It was good times.  Him and Brock were watching it and the part where Michael Jackson turns into a cat/werewolf thing they were both freaking out pretty bad.  They both told me like 25 times a piece how “brave” they were being.  Then when the zombies were coming up out of the ground Jake kept asking me what they were doing.  I said, “They’re going to dance.”  Yeah he didnt believe me til we got to here:

Yeah he was still being brave.  The ironic thing is that after watching the cat guy and the zombies, the boys went to bed with no problem.  Good times.  Oh yeah heres the weirdest video I’ve seen in a while:

Now on to the actual Bravery.


Amy said...

Ethan likes to watch stuff like that and says he's fine with it, until it's bedtime or the middle of the night. Then he'll come and wake me up with bad dreams. So yeah, I don't think he'll be watching Thriller anytime soon. And I didn't even remember the zombies, just the red pants and white socks. But then again, we didn't have cable TV!

Nat said...

I was such a wanney when I was little. And you were, too. I wonder where they get the courage to watch the shows they do and not get totally wacked out by them.

Ben said...

That "Indian Thriller" is absolutely fantastic.

Kar said...

Oh my gosh, I laughed my butt off watching "Indian" Thriller. Hahaha!! Those dance moves were SWEET. I love the pelvic thrusts, and the thing where he shrugs one shoulder up and down. Hahaha! And the video of the original Thriller - it's the best. I still get chills. He is such a good dancer. Too bad he's all weird now.

Kar said...

Dude, I need Suzy's new blog address. She told it to me once, and now I can't find it... So if you have it, put a comment on my blog. Even though you're too cool to comment.