Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Baby wings and other cheesy topics

So today is Brock's 3rd Birthday which is weird cuz I swear I was just finishing school and looking for a job and Nat was having #2. Now #2 is 3. Weird. So we had my in-laws over and Nat's sister and her husband and kids over. In the process of the festivities, Karlenn (my sister-in-law) told me how her husband Ben told their son Dylan that babies are born with angel wings. My mother-in-law corroborated the story with one of her own about how Dylan told her that babies are born with angel wings and then their parents cut them off. Got to admit I laughed good and hard about that. Ben said that Dylan will believe anything he tells him which I think would be awesome. I think after all the years my kids have spent with me (and by long I mean almost 5, cuz that's how old Jakob is) they have come to expect such trickery from their father and it just doesn't work anymore :(. Oh well, it was still the funniest thing I've heard in a long time.

The other day in my carpool I was making fun of one of my co-workers because country artists steal songs all the time and inject them with their lame "honkytonk", whatever that is. Prime example- Vertical Horizons' Gray Sky Morning. I love that song, but turning it country is a violation. So yeah, I heard this really creepy song by Taylor Swift the other day. It's called Tear Drops on My Guitar. Yeah, it has the creepiest line I've ever heard in a song- "I'll put your picture down and try to get some sleep tonight" or something like that. Kind of stalkery. So yeah, I guess it was a country song first. So I looked it up on good old Youtube and sure enough its a country song. And here's the worst part: I almost liked the country version more! Yeah, that's a serious moral dilemma for me. I hate country music A LOT. So yeah, go check out the two versions of that song and let me know what you think.

As a related side note, it's almost shameful that I'd even blog about this, but whatever. My brothers were giving me crap over the weekend for blogging. I guess only women blog. Well, I play WoW too and that is almost generally despised so I think I can handle a little blogging. Oh yeah, did anyone else notice that Tyler Hilton was in the video? If you are a OTH fan, you'll remember this lovable tyke.

This is Brock practicing the technique we used to remove his angel wings. Yeah it really worked out. Nat says he's squealing in delight. I think he's going for the monkey's ear. You be the judge.


Unknown said...

Ummm they sound the same to me.... lol but yeah genreally country tends to be a little more stalkerish. Outside of a couple of songs like "David Duchovny why don't you love me" ... that one is pretty stalkerish. weird too.

Nat said...

I love you and I love watching One Tree Hill (Uno Treeo Heelo) with you! But I don't love country music.

Ben said...

Pete, I share your disdain for country music. And us men bloggers gotta stick together.

Kar said...

Both versions suck, because both of them are cheesy. Cheese = sucky. And I'm glad you got a good laugh about Ben's lies to Dylan. Poor kid. It will be a miracle if he turns out to be somewhat emotionally stable.

Soozee Carmichael said...

Oh my gosh, B...I think the world would be a sadder place if you didn't blog in it. You make me laugh everytime I read your posts...
I'd agree the country music is a bunch of "honky-tonk" knock offs. So true.

Beej said...

I love Brock's squealing. He still sounds like a pig to me. So freakin' cute.

I used to hate country music, but there is some of it that is okay. It is a lot more romantic. I just can't stand the ones that are like stories. Not cool.