Sunday, March 2, 2008

Ode to WoW and getting hit on by guys online

Okay so first things first, upon review of my last and only post, I didnt say I hated blogs Ms. Smith, I said that I thought they were lame. Subtle difference you see.

So I was thinking about all of the stuff that people blog about the other day, and because Nat pretty much has the kids covered I had to come up with something else...... thus enters WoW. So I was playing the other day and I was standing outside of the bank and a guy asked me if he could ask me a question. I said sure and he asked if I was a dirty girl. The following illustration may help:

So yeah, I know I'm a woman online. I get a lot of crap from the guys I work with, but it's all good. No one has to know right? Except all the people reading this.....

Needless to say, I told the kind gentleman on WoW that I'm not a dirty girl, in fact I'm a dude. He got a little weirded out. It makes me wonder why he ever made the assumption that my character in any way represents what I would look like in real life. My favorite part about old Zasht there is the eyebrows. Definitely the eyebrows. Oh yeah, and that isnt a lantern she's holding, its her super duper hammer that she uses to hit stuff. It's good times. Oh yeah, this isnt an isolated incident. I get hit on all the time while playing World of Warcraft. 15 year olds? I would have to say yes, yes there are a few who play.

It makes me wonder about peoples online personna's though. I think this gets back to blogging too. Could this blog ever be a representative sample of me? Doubt it. Do I think other peoples blogs really cut it for them? Nope. Does it matter? Probably not. I think I'm thinking about this too much.

Anyway, hi mom, hope somebody's told you that I started a blog. So here's the obligatory picture of my kids! Oh wait, this'll be funnier- me fat, and me after fifty pounds. Can you tell the difference? Baby Troy is with me in the top one, an unknown masked midget and Brock are with me on the bottom. Good Times.


Soozee Carmichael said...

B, I hate to break it to ya, but mom doesn't even know what a blog is...yet. I'll be sure and point her in your direction. Can't wait to see ya this weekend...that'll be weird. Have fun!

Unknown said...

LOL Jer and I playu Wow and his main "toon" is a girl! lol says it's nicer to watch a girls bum running around than a guys. :) besides LOADS of guys play girls on that thing!! lol in fact when I tell people I REALLY am a girl they quite often don't believe me!!!

Kar said...

That's so funny! Did you choose that character because of her eyebrows? Or is it like April's husband, who says it's nicer to watch a girl's bumb running around than a buy's bumb? Dude, for some reason my link that I set up to get to your blog isn't working anymore. I had to go through Nat's to get here. I'm going to try to set it up again. Have fun this weekend! Nat and I have fun plans for you guys and us next Saturday - DDR Forever!

Kar said...

I meant "boy's bumb." :)

Beej said...

What guy wouldn't hit on YOU, Pete? Your online persona is HOT! Maybe you should work for that news show that catches freaky child molestors. You'd probably be good at that.