Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Peer Pressure and wasting a whole week of PL

Nat's been pressuring me with her overwhelming peer pressure to post another blog. And here I am. So yeah, had a really "awesome" week last week. All kinds of great things happened: turned 30, was too high on pain killers to play WoW cuz the 3D motion was too much for my fragile equilibrium to handle, had my fifth child, oh wait, my fifth kidney stone, wasted 40 hours of precious precious Personal Leave from work being sick. See, awesome, right? Yeah it was. Actually it wasn't all bad. I got to watch Reaper and South Park in the hospital while I was counting down each and every ten minute increment to push the morphine button again. Yeah kidney stones hurt that bad. I was already taking two days off last week to turn 30. Leaving my 20's behind was definitely something to not be at work for. Aww my 20's, those were good days! I remember turning 20 on my mission. We went and saw an opera in Stara Zagora. It was good times. Oh look heres a picture of Stara Zagora! How convenient. I think the funniest thing about this is that if you notice in the corner of the picture it came from a website called PicturesOfBulgaria.com. Wow, someone made a website about that. Boredom. Or lots of film and free time. Someone needs to start playing WoW. Yeah, cuz I was curious I just went to that website and it didn't really have a ton of pictures. Mostly tourist stuff. Weird.
Anyway, just did a ton of web surfing for some reason and now I'm back. Troy is obsessed with my cell phone. He keeps wanting it and his excellent memory helps him remember it even after he takes naps. Kind of weird. He reaches out his hand now when he sees me so I'll give it to him. Which happens sometimes. Yeah right now he is begging for it cuz he just dropped it on the ground and I stole it from him. Kids are great that way.
So my mother-in-law Cheri posted a comment on my last blog that is somewhat related to the previous topic. You'll have to read it, its pretty messed up but reminded me of a genre of manga. It was something like a man and a woman who are both married end up having an affair and then get married later on after divorcing and their respective spouses. Now for the weird part, they both have kids and custody and their kids end up getting a little friendly with each other if you know what I mean, wink wink. Yeah creepy. Don't think I'll be writing anything like that any time soon. Oh and for any interested parties, I can send you some of my work. Don't say I didn't warn you though, its bad. And cheesy.
Well got some WoW to play. The new patch came out exciting. Check this awesome link out too. I laughed and laughed. http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/wrath/features/bard/bardclass.xml
Gotta admit, it was the axe that could "go to eleven" that really killed me.


Nat said...

Hey Pete! Jeremy is blogging now! Check it out:
I told him now he can be cool like you and blog about WoW. P.S.-I didn't think I was pressuring you all that much about blogging. I said, "You should blog" a couple of times. I appreciated the Bulgaria picture, by the way.

Unknown said...

ROFL. yeah you should watch "time Gnomes" on youtube petey.... that is where Jer got the name of his blog :) Wowness

Kar said...

Troy is one sly little man. Sorry, I totally didn't click on the WoW link - that is how uninterested I am by it! :) Please don't convert Ben to WoW. I will seriously die.

Unknown said...